Nir Ben Lavi serves as a member of our advisory board. Currently Mr. Ben Lavi is the CEO and co-founder of the Pangea Cup, the world’s first global competition and reality show for discovering the next big video game, and has served in that capacity since December 2019. Mr. Ben Lavi was appointed to his first managerial position at the age of 25, and combined it with intensive R&D work. This experience provided Mr. Ben Lavi with invaluable knowledge on innovation and led him to dedicate a lot of his time helping countries create their own start-up ecosystems. Mr. Ben Lavi is an active member of YPO Israel, and YPO Change Makers Club. Mr. Ben Lavi is an active investor deeply involved in the Israeli startup ecosystem. He is the former Managing Director of the NYU Blockchain accelerator with which he served from October 2017 to October 2019, as well as head of the joint innovation program at Bosphorus University, Turkey. Mr. Ben Lavi is the author of three books and inventor of software solutions. Mr. Ben Lavi received his B.A. in Sociology, with honors, and his M.B.A. from the University of Tel Aviv. His Ph.D. research study in the field of computerized Dispute Resolution led to the development of a first-of-its-kind dispute resolution software that was adopted by the United Nations as a managerial work tool.